Sample Signature File HTML Codes |
Here's a sample of how signature file, or any other html posting codes should be setup. HTML coding tells your viewer's browser what to display, and how to display it, by using hidden commands written in the "Code String". These commands are normally prefixed by keyboard arrow symbols "<" and ">." For example, to center an image, you would start you code string with <center> and end the string with </center>. The slash symbol "/" tells the browser to END the command that was started with the first set. The same can be done with BOLD TEXT. By starting with <b> and ending with </b> with your text in the middle, the browser is instructed to display the text between those symbols in bold format. For example, the string <b>Make my text bold</b> would result in Make my text bold This can also be done with colors and sizes, but
let's keep it simple for now. In the examples below, successive
additions or changes to the sig codes are shown in red. |
Let's do one! |
Let's do a simple photograph code. Here's a code to
show one of my pics: <img src="">
Now Let's CENTER IT |
Now, let's center it, by adding the <center> and
</center> tags before and after: <center><img src=""></center>
Let's add some WORDS!! |
The html code for a line break is <br>, so if we want
to add some text below the photo, we would add the <br> symbol, then
type the text in. However, since we want the text to be centered with
the photo, we'll keep the text stuff IN FRONT of the </center> command: <center><img src=""><br>Highway 28 Near Deals Gap, North Carolina</center>
Words too scrawny!! |
Ok, let's bold type the text, by adding the <b> and
</b> tags before and after the text: <center><img src=""><br><b>Highway 28 Near Deals Gap, North Carolina</b></center>
What about an E-Mail Link? |
Sure! We can do that!! Your code string is about to
grow by leaps and bounds!! We'll add an e-mail link to Moccasin Mike at
the bottom of the sig file. Again, since we want it to remain centered,
we'll add the link in front of the end center command. Adding a LINK to
a portion of a sig file requires the use of <a href="....> and </a>
codes. The link will be hidden entirely, so text for it must also be
added between those two commands. In this example, we used "Snake
Mail" as the text for the e-mail link. Also, as an option, we have
included a subject tag to the email link, so that if you were to click
on it to mail me, your message would automatically be titled "Sigfile
Help". This is done by adding ?subject=Sigfile
Help immediately after the mail addy. <center><img src=""><br><b>Highway 28 Near Deals Gap, North Carolina</b><br><a href=" Help">Snake Mail</a></center>
Let's link that photo to Mocc's, shall we? |
Now its going to get really big and complicated! We use
some more <a href"...> coding to imbed a hidden link to Mocc's Place in
the photo: <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a><br><b>Highway 28 Near Deals Gap, North Carolina</b><br><a href=" Help">Snake Mail</a></center>
Can it get any more complicated? |
YEP!! ![]() <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""alt="Click this image to go to Mocc's!"></a><br><b>Highway 28 Near Deals Gap, North Carolina</b><br><a href=" Help">Snake Mail</a></center>
Mine too! So we won't go into the text formatting
and border commands and stuff, but just so you'll have it,
here's the elimination of any borders around the photo (which will show
up on Delphi when a link is hidden in there) and a change to the text
below the photo: <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border=0 alt="Click this image to go to Mocc's!"></a><br><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: Arial,Arial">Highway 28 Near Deals Gap, North Carolina</SPAN><br><a href=" Help">Snake Mail</a></center>
For best results, be sure to TEST your code string before submitting it. The best way to do this is to save your code string to a NOTEPAD (.txt) file first, then do a post or reply to a post on the forum, enter the code string in the post, and click "PREVIEW" to see what that string will produce. If it looks good, close the post without submitting it, then paste the string in your sig file box. If it needs adjustment, just click the "Revise" button and make whatever changes you need to make to make it come out right and preview it again. This way you won't have 40 posts trying to figure out a glitch in the string. Its best NOT to copy coding from an internet source to WORD or other html compatible programs, because they will often change the symbols on you and destroy your code. Always work with NOTEPAD for coding. To save any of the above code strings for your own
future use, just highlight and copy the string, then paste it to a
notepad file on your harddrive (with "word wrap" unchecked). Then when
you are ready to build your own sig code, you can just change the parts
that you need to to make them work for you. |
Remember, Delphi is a place to make friends. Treat
everyone like they're going to be your next best friend and you'll
discover what these forums are really all about!!
See ya on the boards, my friends!! |